Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Avoiding sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Abstinence is one way of avoiding a sexually transmitted infection. 

If you are sexually active there are ways of reducing your risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

When used correctly, condoms in combination with a water based lubricant will reduce the risk of many STIs during vaginal, anal or oral sex. Latex gloves also provide barrier protection for sexual activity involving fingers and dams can be used to protect against STIs during oral sex.

Not all STIs have obvious symptoms (for example, herpesgenital warts and Chlamydia infection) and therefore it can be difficult to know whether you or your partner has an infection.

Practicing safer sex by using condoms and dams can be an effective way of reducing the risk of STIs that have no immediate or obvious symptoms.

If you’re not sure whether you or your sexual partner has an STI or if you are in a sexual relationship of 3 months or less you can guard your health and the health of others by always using protective measures such as condoms and dams.

Unsafe or unprotected sex in a relationship

Negotiated safety is where both partners test negative for STIs and mutually agree not to use condoms and dams as part of their sexual relationship.

Negotiated safety provides a safe context for unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex, but for it to work three things are essential:
Talking. Talk openly with your sexual partner and arrive at a mutual agreement about not using condoms and dams, and about the need to be safe from STIs.
Testing. Test for STIs at least 3 months after the last time you had unprotected sex with anyone, including your current sexual partner. Three months is usually enough time for most STIs, but not all, to show up on a test. Talk to your doctor about the different incubation periods for other STIs. If you and your sexual partner both have negative tests for STIs, you can then consider having unprotected sex.
Trusting. Once you and your sexual partner have made an agreement to have unprotected sex this will mean having unprotected sex only with the sexual partner who has been tested and cleared of STIs and with whom you have negotiated to have unprotected sex.

You and your sexual partner may also need to talk about reintroducing safe sex practices if either of you engage in unsafe sex outside of the relationship.

If you or your partner has unprotected sex outside of your sexual relationship you will need to return to protective or barrier methods for at least 3 months and then get tested again.
The contraceptive pill does not provide protection against any STI.

Thank you for reading..


The danger of high levels of sodium in the body.

Staying away from foods with sodium is necessary when it comes to maintaining your health. Salt is the most used seasoning and the most dangerous one as well.

Watching your salt is a challenge because it might seem like you are making a compromise between taste and your health.

Although a necessary nutrient a tiny amount of sodium is all that the body requires. Unfortunately, many people have many servings of it daily.

You can strike a good balance if you explore other seasonings as an alternative to this tasty seasoning.

Sodium/Salt in food
You can't eat anything today that doesn't have salt added to it. Apart from being a major ingredient, it also serves to make food taste delicious.
No one would ever want to eat anything that tastes bland or plain. And this is understandable because if what you eat is not tasty, you will not eat it.
But there is a line that needs to be drawn. Salt is used in excess in most cooking.
This is a problem that affects us all. Many processed food and fast food we buy is loaded with salt.
Its abundance in food is designed to make the product taste good so that people will buy more of it. But if you carefully read the labels of foods with sodium, you will notice that it is used very liberally.
This could be disastrous for your health. The Body is not designed to withstand such a high level of this white nutrient.

Risks to your health
Studies have shown that on average, people consume way more salt than is recommended. And this problem is not going away anytime soon. Salt is responsible for many health conditions that impact a large number of the population.
Effects of excess salt on our body:
High blood pressure/Hypertension
Heart disease
Can cause kidney stones and later kidney failure
Prevents the absorption of other nutrients such as Calcium and can lead to the loss of bone density/osteoporosis
Stomach lining is thinned and can lead to ulcers
Theses are only a some of the risks to your health excess salt in your body may bring.

You can take some measures to ensure you have a safe level of salt in your body:
Don't eat fast food or any food that comes premade at restaurants
Read food labels and know the telltale sign of foods with sodium in excess (Very flavorful food)
Choose healthy alternatives to salt such as sea salt and other seasonings to make food taste better
Drink plenty of fluids especially water to flush out excess salt in your body
Exercise regularly to maintain optimal health
If you want to use salt in your meals, use it sparingly or keep it to a minimum
Eat fruit and vegetables as well as other healthy foods to keep your body in good health.

Drink plenty of water to flush out excess salt and offset increased sodium levels within the body.

By A., S. (2014, August 1). Salt Is a Flavorful Yet Dangerous Ingredient. Retrieved August 5, 2014, from­Is-­a-­Flavorful-­Yet-­Dangerous-­Ingredient&id=8649742


High blood pressure or hypertension is becoming increasingly common due to a fast paced lifestyle. With the invention of new technology, work is getting done much faster than it was earlier. Instead of getting more time to relax, people are expected to achieve much more and competition gets tougher and tougher with every day. Another problem with this fast paced life is that people have started to rely a lot on fast food and unhealthy eating habits. All these can lead to all kinds of pressure problems.

What is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure is also called High BP or Hypertension. It is a condition in which the rate of the blood pressure flowing through the arteries is elevated. This condition can lead to a number of heart and artery problems. People suffering from high BP are also at the risk of developing kidney diseases, strokes and aneurysms.

Common Signs
It is not always very easy to detect high BP. However, there are a few common symptoms which you should look out for. These include an irregular heartbeat, chest pain and tiredness. Some people may even start to experience a nosebleed and show signs of confusion. In all these cases, it is essential to visit a doctor immediately and get your blood pressure levels checked. The earlier it is diagnosed, the easier it is to keep the blood pressure under control.

How Can You Prevent Hypertension?
Your diet is the best way to help you control hypertension. There are certain kinds of foods which should be incorporated into your daily diet in order to control your blood pressure levels. These foods include green tea, tomatoes, celery and soy. If you have these foods regularly, your levels often get stabilized or the BP rate reduces.

Just like how you should incorporate certain foods into your diet, there are also certain foods which you should cut down on or stop altogether. People suffering from high BP are usually advised to cut down on their salt intake. Fast food and junk food are also a big no-no. These foods are major contributors to this condition.

Try to follow a healthy lifestyle by eating a healthy diet and cutting down on restaurant and junk food. Exercise on a regular basis is also essential. In addition, always remember to get regular check-ups so that you and the doctor can keep a track on your pressure levels.

Thank you for reading..
By Susan Solo

Monday, 4 August 2014


Blurred Eye Vision

Blurred Eye vision occurs when a person lacks the sharpness and detail in their vision. Often this results in not being able to make out fine details. It can also occur because of a degenerative disorder, birth defect, etc. While most people can get away with blurred vision by using corrective lenses, others cannot find relief.

As a person who has dealt with low vision for the last 25 years, I urge you to take your blurry vision seriously, as it can be an indication of a far greater issue.

what are the causes?
There are numerous reasons why a person could suffer from blurred vision. Temporary issues, such as migraine or interference with medications, are common causes of this kind of vision., other reasons include:
Presbyopia - A condition that makes it difficult to focus on objects that are close - usually appearing in a person's late 40s.
Diabetic or Diabetes-Related Eye Disease
Macular Degeneration
Eye Infection
Eye Inflammation
Retinal Detachment
Brain Tumor

If your low vision is temporary, your quality of life will be restored once the condition causing your vision goes away. But, for thousands of consumers, this is a permanent issue. And, because of that, these individuals need assistance with everyday things, including reading, writing, watching television and even answering or dialing a phone number.

How to Cope with Blurred Eye Vision
You should always consult a physician for a recommended course of treatment or any assistive technology equipment that might be covered by your insurance. If your vision is temporary, insurance may not cover the cost of assistive technology.

There are assistive technologies out there, however, that will help you visualize and focus in on objects even if you are suffering from low vision. These types of visual aids help a person maximize their vision, even if it is blurry, so that they can remain independent.

The most common type of assistive technology for those with blurry vision are apps. These apps are available on a smartphones and tablets and can help you do everything from identify colors to locate local restaurants to using a calculator.

VOCalc, for example, is an app that allows you to calculate what you need without glasses or worrying about your vision affecting your ability to see. Its interface is rapid, smart and the buttons are enhanced so that you can see what you are inputting into the calculator. This app is also compatible with VoiceOver capabilities, so if you have VoiceOver, you could use the app without actually touching the buttons.

Finding the right information about your eyes can be overwhelming and at times very frustrating. 

By Richard A Slinde visit his site for more 


While you cannot prevent all eye diseases, there are measures you can take to improve your eye health and prevent vision loss. If you are looking to clear your vision without having to undergo surgery or using corrective lenses, here are a few tips that can help you out. 6 quick tips to improve your eye sight naturally.

Eat Right
Protect your peepers with wholesome nutritious diet. Here are a few staples that are a must in your diet.

If recent studies are anything to go by, antioxidant rich food such as beta-carotene and lutein are essential to prevent age-related macular degeneration. Foods such as carrots and sweet potatoes will provide you with the daily dose of required antioxidants.

Make sure your diet is rich with sulfur and lecithin, as they protect the lens of your eyes from cataract formation. Foods such as garlic and onion are other excellent sources of sulfur.
Yet another reason to dig into sweet and juicy berries is the anti-inflammatory properties present in them that help to improve your vision.

A nutritious diet is not enough to keep your peepers in their prime shape, as you need extra. Here are a few exercises that will not only improve your eyesight, but also keep those annoying eye floaters at bay.

First thing in the morning, rub your palms together to generate heat and gently place them on your eyes for five seconds. Repeat this exercise 3 times. It will soothe your strained eye muscles.

Rotate your eye clockwise and anticlockwise 10 times. Start slowly and gradually increase your speed. This exercise will help improve blood circulation in the eyes.
If you feel too much strain in your eyes, try massaging your temples using your thumb and knuckles. Start in small circular motions, 20 times in one direction and 20 times on the other. This will take the pressure off your eyes.

Rest Your Eyes
It is not just your body that recuperates during sleep, but also your eyes. Never cut back on your 8 hours sleep, it is during that time that your eyes recuperates, recover and repairs. Besides, not getting enough sleep can weaken your vision.

Give your eyes a break in every few hours from harsh glare of the computer. If your eyes start feeling overly strained, lie down and place cooling cucumber slices over your eyelids.

Even dehydration can cause your vision to blur. Next time you notice your vision starts turning foggy, chug down a glass of water. You'll see improvement almost instantly.

People today go out of their way to dodge sunlight, but did you know, your body actually needs a certain amount of sun light to survive. Not only do you get vitamin D, but also the sunrays force your eyes to contract and dilate, which is a form of eye exercise.

Frequent checkup with your eye doctor can go a long way in keeping your peepers in prime condition.

While you cannot prevent all eye diseases, there are measures you can take to improve your eye health and prevent vision loss. And one of those measures is to get frequent check up done from a reliable eye doctor. 


With the increasing cost of relocation, more and more people are choosing to stay in the same house for longer periods. People are renovating their houses to make it more livable, and this also increases the resale value of these properties. It is the need of the hour that one has to realize that there are numerous health hazards associated with renovating your home. The culprits are usually the toxic materials used in home refurbishing. Though most of them are unavoidable, there could be a possibility that you may be able to build or refurbish in an Eco-friendly and non-hazardous way.

Here are some harmful substances that can cause minor or health problems when you renovate your home:

1. Dust
People tend to think that chemicals, paints, scraped wood, iron bars, lead, etc. cause most health issues. Even the simplest of things like dust can pose serious health risks. Dust can have various other chemicals or harmful particles which can be inhaled, leading to various breathing disorders and lung infections.

2. Asbestos
This is a mineral fiber which is used in flooring, ceiling tiles, roofing, etc. because it acts as an insulation and fire-resistant material. These are microscopic, and can easily be inhaled when the particles becomes airborne. This can cause serious diseases like abdominal & chest cancer, and scarring of lungs commonly called asbestosis.

3. Lead
This is found in dry paints when scraping the walls before a major renovation. It can cause headaches, weight loss, lung infection, fatigue, anemia, constipation, stomach pain, irritation, nausea and many other conditions.

4. Radon
This is said to cause lung cancer if your basic constitution is not radon-resistant.

5. Mercury
This is found in old switches, heating system and regulators. Mercury inside the human body can cause kidney and liver damage, mental retardation, disabilities related to learning and many other debilitating conditions. Fatality is also not uncommon with acute mercury poisoning.

6. Moisture
After renovation your house may be sometimes be filled with moisture, which can attract biological hazards. This can cause allergies, asthma, pneumonia and, in extreme cases, can lead to death.

7. Lack of proper ventilation
In the excitement of renovating your home, you might sometimes make wrong decisions that might seriously affect the natural ventilation inside your home. Good ventilation is always important, as the more oxygen you inhale, the more immune your system becomes and the healthier you become. If ventilation is improper, then all the harmful substances that are disturbed and become airborne during renovation can cause you lung and breathing problems.

8. Formaldehyde
This is a carcinogen found in pressed wood - especially in cabinets, fiber glass insulation, wood paneling, etc. This causes breathing problems, eye and throat irritation and nausea.

9. Volatile organic substances (VOCs)
These are emitted from paints, strippers, plastics, etc., and can cause cardiovascular and respiratory disorders.

10. Air ducts
Leaking air ducts during renovation can cause negative pressure, which leads to radon problems if the ducts are not immediately sealed.

11. PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls)
These are commonly used in plastics, paints and electrical equipment. PCBs can cause a wide range of health problems. This chemical can cause cancer, reproductive problems and disorders of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems.
Being aware of these health risks means you can be better prepared to avoid them or deal with them appropriately.

By Robert Fogarty


Eggs are a healthy, nutritious part of many diet, but they are a raw food and should be stored and handled like raw meat and chicken, to reduce the risk of illness.

Most eggs are safe; however cracked and dirty eggs can be a source of harmful bacteria such as Salmonella.

You can enjoy eggs safely by using clean/uncracked eggs, handling them correctly and storing eggs and raw egg products in the refrigerator.

Salmonella can affect anyone, but there is a greater risk of food poisoning for children under two years, pregnant women, people over 70 and people with lower immune system function. That's because:
- immune systems are weaker
- the stomach may have less acid to protect against bugs
- the impact of symptoms can be more severe and
- recovery takes longer.

Symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning include headache, fever, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting which can last days or weeks. The effects of this stomach bug can range from mild to severe.

Three rules to remember
The three key rules to remember when handling eggs are:
1. Don't use cracked and/or dirty eggs
2. Wash your hands after handling eggs
3. Refrigerate raw egg products

The flipside – cooking eggs
Cooking kills most harmful bugs that may be present such as Salmonella. 
When egg whites are cooked until completely firm and the yolk begins to thicken, foods containing eggs such as cakes, quiches and biscuits are usually safe.

Keeping your own chickens
If you keep your own chickens, follow these safety tips:
collect the eggs twice a day, especially in warmer weather to reduce the risk of bacteria growing
throw away any dirty, cracked or broken eggs,and any eggs which may have been in the nest for an extended period of time
do not wash dirty eggs
store the eggs in clean containers in the refrigerator, separately from ready to eat foods
always use the oldest eggs first.

Eating out – are you at risk?
If purchasing food from a restaurant or takeaway for people who are at greater risk, check whether raw or pasteurised egg is used in any of the dishes. Manufactured products from a supermarket or retail outlet will show on the label if pasteurised egg is used.
Myths and facts about eggs
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between fact and fiction when it comes to eggs. See our Myths and facts about eggs page to help you to better understand eggs.