Friday, 25 July 2014


If you suffer from heartburn, you are not alone. There are many people who have heartburn on occasion, and for different reasons. You are likely looking for new approaches on how to get rid of heartburn. This article contains some suggestions that you can try. Remember that the cause of your heartburn and your physiology may make some solutions work better for you.

Heartburn, a type of indigestion, results in a burning sensation in the chest and possibly the esophagus. It occurs when small amounts of stomach acid are regurgitated into the esophagus. It can be quite painful and disruptive to normal activities, such as sleep.

You may want to try eating an apple to alleviate your symptoms. It can help to neutralize some of the stomach acids. A tart baking apple may have better results than sweeter varieties.

Another potential solution is to drink a large glass of two percent milk. If there is a chance that you are lactose intolerant, do not use this option. Otherwise, you may compound your level of discomfort. Not only will the milk help to soothe your stomach, it will also provide you with essential calcium. If you use nut or soy milks, these have been shown to have a positive effect as well.

If you like vegetables and their juices, you can try them for a way to ease your reflux and heartburn. Most vegetables are alkaline in nature. This means they will naturally begin to balance the pH level in your digestive tract, neutralizing your heartburn in a very natural way. You can use preade juices or create your own in a juicer. If you decide to eat a salad, beware of any dressings you may be tempted to put on them. You do not want them to thwart your efforts.

Chew on a piece of all natural gum. This will stimulate the production of saliva. As you swallow more of it, you will begin to dilute the stomach acids that are creeping up toward your esophagus. Do not use products with sugar or harsh chemicals.

Try drinking an all natural tea. Three of the best choices for heartburn symptoms are fennel seed, anise, and caraway. Use two tablespoons for a coffee cup and allow to sit for ten minutes before drinking. You should feel relief within half an hour.

Remain standing or sitting upright, especially after you eat. Many people want to lay down and relax on their bed or couch after eating dinner. This can actually cause heartburn. If you are already experiencing symptoms, laying down will only exacerbate them. Sit somewhere as comfortably as you can and drink a large glass of water. Practice being calm and see if your discomfort passes.

If you are interested in trying out new ways to get rid of heartburn, this article should have provided you with some fantastic ideas. Try each of them and find out what works best for you. You may even discover that other factors can influence which one will work at any given time.


By Edward Ted Leger

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Breast Cancer Prevention - The Importance of the Self Breast Exam

Every female who has fully formed breasts is recommended to check them for breast cancer at least once a month (more often is considered more prudent). However, some women seem to either forget to do such an important "self-check" (40% of all breast cancer diagnosed is found by self-examination), or simply do not know how or what they are looking for if they were to do one.
Guidelines on how to perform a self-examination of the breasts:
1. In the shower or bath 

- are the best places to self-check the breasts (the hot water and soap tent to make the skin more soft and easy to feel any underlying problems that may be present). Using the finger-tips - move around the entire breast in a circular motion (start from the outside and work inwards), together with the axilla (armpit) to feel for any unusual lumps or knots, thickening of the skin, or rashes similar to eczema (dry skin, red patches, itchy) and psoriasis (patches of raised skin [red] and silvery scales) around the nipple which may indicate Paget's disease (a rear form of breast cancer that affects the nipple).
2. In front of a mirror 

Mini- with both arms at the sides, slowly raise them above the head while looking for any unusual changes to the contours of the breasts, swelling, skin dimpling, nipple inversion (nipple turned inwards), or discharge of the nipples. Next rest the palms of the hands on the hips and flex firmly the chest muscles (both left and right breasts may not match exactly [usual in most women]) to look for any dimpling, or puckering (wrinkles or irregular folds) to either breast.
3. Lying down on the floor/bed
 with a pillow placed under the right shoulder while extending the right arm over the head - check the breast and axilla using the tips of the fingers of the left-hand in the same way as previously explained in the shower. Also squeeze the nipple to check for any discharge that may be present. This procedure must then be repeated for the left breast by placing the pillow under the left shoulder and using the right hand to complete the examination.
Note: If anything unusual is found, it is recommended to make an appointment with either a doctor or health adviser as soon as possible to clarify any findings. If breast cancer is suspected, a referral will be made to a specialist who may order a mammogram to check for the possibility of a breast tumor. Around 80% of lumps found in the breast are NOT cancerous; however, because the remaining 20% are, self-examinations of the breasts are vital.
Philip is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Owner of Cancer Cry. He was born in Oxford shire, England; however, today he lives in Mexico where he has been based for many years writing about cancer and other health related issues. If you would like to read more of his articles, visit their site: 
Thank you for reading Philip's articles!
Edmonds-Hunt, P. A. (2014, February 19). Breast Cancer Prevention - The Importance of the Self Breast Exam. Retrieved July 23, 2014

Foods That Prevent Breast Cancer

In the recent past, there has a great rise in the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer world wide. According to the world health organization, the number of breast cancer cases reported so far surpasses those of related diseases such as cervical cancer. However, cancer of the breast can be controlled if detected at its early stage. This makes regular medical checkups very important. At the same time, it is very important that we take food that prepares and boosts our immunity to fight this malignant cancer cells at their early stage. Foods and other dietary supplements have very important substances that can help our bodies to fight different types of diseases. The following are some of the foods mostly recommended that can prevent breast cancer.
Flax seed- 

You can decide to take flax as ground, the seed or flax seed oil. It has omega-3, fibre and lignans which protect your body against cancer cells which are responsible for causing cancer of the breasts. Most people prefer adding it to yogurt or smoothie because it creates that nutty flavor. Flaxseed can also be integrated into the baked foods such as muffins and cookies.
Brazil nuts-

Brazil nuts help to improve the general body immunity, fights inflammation and prevents the growth of tumour. They are rich in fibre, selenium and phytochemicals. They are taken just like any other nuts with asparagus or fruits. It has anti-cancer components and chlorophyll

 Allium, onions, chives and scallions are major sources of cancer fighting compounds. They are known to slow the growth of tumour preventing the risk of cancer in the breast and many other types of cancer. You can find onions and garlic in different types of food such as Thai, Indian, Spanish, Italian and Chinese foods. You are required to at least take a piece of garlic daily and this will help prevent cancer.
Pomegranate-pomegranate contains polyphenol. This is an acid which has anti-oxidant properties that prevents the growth of cancer. This is the most recommended food for preventing cancer in the breast.
Dark-green leafy vegetables-This type of vegetables contains various types of nutrients such as fibre, vitamin B, chlorophyll and phytochemicals. These compounds will assist the body to fight these cancerous cells that cause cancer. Kale, Swiss card, collard and spinach are the best examples of dark-green vegetables
Salomon-It provides the body with nutrients that actually regulate the growth of breast cancer. It contains omega-3 and vitamin D and B12. After a clinical research, some types of vitamin B12 have been proven to treat cancer. You can decide to bake it, steam it or grill it. Most people like taking it a long with dark-green vegetable, garlic or peppers.
Green tea-

There has been lower cases linked to regular consumption of green tea. Green tea has phytochemicals which prevents growth of tumours.
Peppers-In general, all types of peppers have nutrients which helps the body to fight cancer. Jalapeno and chilli peppers contain capsaicin that fights the rate at which cancer cells grow. They also contain chlorophyll that suppresses carcinogens that causes cancer. Presence of phytochemicals also makes it effective. Red peppers contain antioxidant and capsaicin making it a bit superior among other types of peppers. You can put them in food or eat them directly.
Turmeric-it contains curcumin compound that prevents different types of cancer cells, gastrointestinal, lungs and breast cancer.
Tomatoes-it has an antioxidant compound called lycopene. This compound helps to prevent stomach, prostate, lung and breast cancer. Tomatoes are most effective when cooked
Grapes- They contains an antioxidant compound called resveratrol. This compound damages the cancer the cancer cells at their early stage before they even establish.
Berries-they contain cancer fighting compounds which can prevent breast cancer.


They contain abundant omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and natural phytosterols. This is another very popular food known to be effective in preventing cancer.
These are the major types of used in preventing breast cancer. Although there so many factors contributing to this condition which are out our control, we must try as much as we can to prevent this disease. There are a number of simple dietary changes that can reduce the risk of breast cancer. If you stick to a proper diet, you actually reduce the chances of being the victim.
 Thank you for your interest.
By Brian P Morse
Morse, B. P. (2013, November 4). Foods That Prevent Breast Cancer. Retrieved July 23, 2014.

7 Breast Cancer Triggers And How To Avoid Them

Statistically, 1:3 women and 1:2 men will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. Those statistics are compelling reasons to be very proactive with your health and to understand the triggers that can lead to Breast Cancer, or any type of cancer.
Cancer cannot grow in a healthy body. Plain and simple. Your mission, therefore, is to make conscious choices that can help you prevent cancer. Here are 7 Breast Cancer Triggers that you can avoid:
1.) Inflammation

Inflammation occurs when your Immune System becomes over active and creates an environment of high oxidation. Think of oxidation as rust or when an apple slice turns brown after a few hours. A similar process occurs on a cellular level. inflammation is present at all 3 stages of tumor development: initiation, progression and metastasis.
You can reduce inflammation by increasing your green veggies with juicing and blending and adding fish oils to your diet. Remove all processed and artificial foods from your diet. Regular physical activity and refreshing sleep also reduce the inflammatory markers.
2.) Excess Insulin

Sugar feeds cancer. After years of sugar consumption from refined carbohydrates and simple sugars, an acidic environment is created, which cancer cells also love. Insulin and IGF (Insulin Growth Factor) are powerful messengers that promote cellular growth. Sugar also depresses your Immune System.
Eliminate sugar in all forms from your diet. Granny Smith apples, lemons and limes, and occasional berries are beneficial. Limit your grain consumption and replace them with quinoa and millet, which are classified as seeds.
3.) Methylation
This is a biological cycle that manages a variety of bodily functions. Problems with methylation occur if there is specific gene mutation that prevents the production of a specific enzyme. This can cause issues with detoxification, immune function, DNA repair, and energy production.
If you have high Homocysteine blood levels or if you would like to know if you have a methylation problem, I suggest you get tested to see if you have the gene mutation. If you do, there are nutritional supplements that will help reduce the effect of the mutation.
4.) Hormone Imbalance
Hormones are messengers that speak to each other and to all systems of the body. If there is too little estriol and too much estradiol, the more aggressive estradiol can cause cellular damage and increase your risk of Breast Cancer. If you are not metabolizing your estrogen properly, this can also increase your risk.
Determine Estrogen Quotient and the levels of your other hormones with a simple home testing saliva kit. (See Resources)
5.) Immune Dysfunction
The average person has over 200 foreign chemicals circulating in their body. These chemicals stress and exhaust the Immune System, distracting it from more important functions. As DNA mutations occur because of these chemicals, it is important that your Immune System be on the alert to capture any circulating cancer stem cells.
Keep your Immune System functioning at its peak by adopting a healthy lifestyle and being proactive with The 7 Essentials. There are specific supplements and foods that can help boost your Immune System as well.
6.) Insufficient Sleep
Stress and lack of sleep can turn off cancer-protective genes. Insufficient sleep prevents the body from healing and repairing. It slows down the detoxification pathways which puts your body at greater risk.
If you are not getting restful, relaxing and refreshing 7-8 hours of sleep, consider having your brain hormones tested to see what neuro-transmitters may be out of balance.
7.) Emotional and Mental Stress

Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (PNI) has taught us that the Nerve System, the Immune System and our mental health are all closely related. Think dark thoughts and your white blood cell count is reduced. Think happy thoughts of joy and gratitude and even your DNA responds in a positive way. Thoughts are energy and energy is transmitted by chemical and electrical pathways.

Practice being grateful for everything that is in your life. Focus on peaceful loving thoughts. Take time to meditate and pray every day. Visualize your body feeling healthy and strong. Visualize your perfect life and move towards it. If you find it difficult to mediate, there are many programs that can teach you to calm your mind and your body.
These 7 triggers are workable issues that can be prevented. Make a conscious effort to gain knowledge about the factors that you can control when it comes to your health. Be proactive with prevention by following The 7 Essentials.

What Looks Like Eczema on the Breast Could Be Paget's Disease - Breast Cancer

The rare breast cancer disease - Paget's disease (Paget's disease of the nipple or Mammary Paget's disease) is often confused with the two common skin conditions eczema and psoriasis. All which are very similar, and which often force doctors to send their patients to specialists for correct diagnosis.
However, there are certain detectable differences between both Paget's disease and other skin conditions that many women can look for when self-checking the breasts for cancer. Usually common skin conditions that affect the breasts are nothing to be worried about; however, with Paget's disease, it is different.
1. Eczema - is a relatively common skin complain; although, it is considered a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin that consists of dry skin with red patches, together with an often itchy sensation that tends to provoke the condition to become worse when scratched (eczema rarely affects the nipple).
2. Psoriasis - is similar to eczema, but with patches of raised skin that are usually red in color, together with thick silvery scales (often considered a more hereditary disease [one in every two psoriasis cases is usually hereditary]) that appears on the skin (doctors are still unable to explain what causes it).
3. Paget's disease - can affect both men and women (men in more extreme cases), and is considered a rather deadly form of cancer. Not only is the disease dangerous in itself, but 50% of women who suffer from it are also diagnosed with having one or more breast tumors (ductal carcinoma in-situ, or invasive breast cancer [stages I - III]) within the same breast where the disease is present.
Image of Paget Disease Leg

Symptoms - are usually in the form of a red scaly rash that affects the nipple (an extension to the areola [the dark skin circle around the nipple] may often be present too) that may itch or burn. With Paget's disease - malignant cells are usually present in the epidermis (the surface layer of skin) of both the areola, and the nipple (malignant cells may be found either singularly or formed in small groups).
Also an inverted nipple (pulled inwards) together with a nipple discharge are both common signs that a rash is more than just a common skin complaint. However, in comparison with the disease and more common skin complaints, it usually only affects one breast (most skin complains affect the two breasts).
The three main dangers of Paget's disease are as follows:
1. Is because Paget's disease is so similar to both eczema and psoriasis; it may well get mis-diagnosed.
2. It is because of the presence of malignant (cancerous) cells.
3. Around 50% of women sufferers may also be diagnosed with tumors of the breast
Note: All three of these dangers may result in either a woman losing a breast, or becoming just another statistic of breast cancer fatality. Regular self-checks are seen prudent for early diagnosis of breast cancer. Any doubt (even minor) over anything unusual found: within, on, or around (the nipple area) the breast, being put to rest by an early consultation with either a doctor or health adviser.
Philip is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Owner of Cancer Cry. He was born in Oxfordshire, England; however, today he lives in Mexico where he has been based for many years writing about cancer and other health related issues. If you would like to read more of his articles, visit his site - 
Thank you for reading...
Edmonds-Hunt, P. A. (2014, February 19). Warning! What Looks Like Eczema or Psoriasis on the Breast Could Be Paget's Disease - Breast Cancer. Retrieved July 23, 2014,

Research on Spinal Curves

Since 1895, chiropractors have been adjusting spines and allowing individuals to enjoy a pain-free life. Did you know that the curves in your spine may be influencing your overall health. Let's take a look at what the research says.
Many health conditions have been studied as well as their physiological responses to spinal adjustments -- including hormone levels, circulation changes, blood pressure changes and a large number of other health parameters. However, one major question remains: how important are spinal curves in the overall health picture of an individual? Can alterations in the "normal" curve lead to a troublesome future or be the cause of a current condition?
With medicine, both traditional and alternative, constantly evolving, there is constantly new research being conducted and researchers are finding new and cutting-edge means of treating a variety of health conditions.
A recent study in the chiropractic field reported results after conducting a systematic critical literature review. This literature review gathered 54 published studies between 1942 and 2008. The content of these published studies was reviewed for quality and content. These studies looked at over 20,000 patients and the health of their spines. A sagittal curve is the curve you can see when you turn to the side.

Included in this review of research on spinal curves was a number of different types of studies and methods that were used to evaluate the sagittal curves of the lumbar spine (or lower back), thoracic spine (or mid back) and the cervical spine (or neck). Thirty eight studies examined the lower back. Thirty four studies examined the middle back. Six studies took a look at the cervical spine.
Data was obtained by:
25 studies used plain x-rays
1 study used MRI
3 studies conducted by visual analysis or by the eye.
21 studies used a variety of instruments to collect data.
A strong association was reported in five of the studies when it comes to an increased angle in the thoracic spine (referred to as kyphosis or "humpback") with lung disorders that can lead to difficulty breathing. Poor physical function and pelvic organ prolapse were also associated with spinal curves of the middle back.
Researchers found that when the curve of the lower back was reduced (lordosis), subjects in these studies experienced lower back pain. Similarly, osteoporotic compression fractures of the thoracic spine were moderately associated with kyphosis.
Kyphosis is also moderately associated with uterine prolapse, heavy household activities and even death in three of the studies that researchers looked at.
It is also important to note that many of these studies found no association with spinal curves and health conditions.
More research needs to be conducted on spinal curves in order to determine if curves impact overall health
Copyright (c) 2014 LifeWorks Integrative health
Matthew Gianforte, DC serves the Kansas City and Johnson County area focusing on the underlying cause of diseases through a whole systems approach with Functional Medicine and Chiropractic. Stop managing symptoms and start treating the underlying cause of disease, thereby addressing our chronic disease epidemic. Connect on Facebook, and Google+.

By Matthew Gianforte

Staying Motivated to Live Healthy

We all know that living healthy is what we should do, but, for most of us, it is just so hard to make it a long-term, lifestyle. So how do we do it? Why does it seem so easy for some people, while the great majority of Americans, just can't seem to either get on-board or stay on-board with a way of living that benefits everyone?
First we need to look at what it means to be 'healthy.' It doesn't mean being skinny. It doesn't mean participating in the endless food fads, popular diets, newest workouts, or any other fleeting thing. It does mean making good decisions when it comes to eating, physical activity, and even things like going to the doctor or dentist. Being healthy can mean feeling good. Having energy. Not being sick! It is also a matter of caring for yourself, and your family, in a way that allows you to participate in life without suffering the ramifications of 'bad' health decisions that you make or made. Being healthy is both long term and short-term actions. Being healthy benefits the individual and the whole community.
People who are healthy are, in general, happier. It is a great burden to deal with the effects of things like illness, obesity, even being tired all the time. Community groups that consist of mostly healthy individuals are happier and able to focus their resources (time, money, problem solving, creativity) on things other than trying to care for the members of the group who are unhealthy. According to, a function of the National League of Cities, which exists to help build healthier communities in the United States, "The estimated annual health care costs of obesity-related illness are a staggering $190.2 billion or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States. Childhood obesity alone is responsible for $14 billion in direct medical costs." Just think what we as a country could do with all that money!!

That should motivate our whole country to action!! We all know the facts, so its going to take more than that to motivate us to live consistently healthy lives. Considering the implications our own unhealthiness has on others should, however, help us move toward the goal of healthy living.
Knowing that the facts aren't enough to keep us motivated, what is ENOUGH? The first step in getting and staying motivated has to be a realization that something does need to change. But where do you need to make changes. Identify where and why you need to be healthy. Do you need to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, get your teeth cleaned or get your annual checkup done? After you have identified where the changes need to be made, you need to decide what your goals are. In order to stay motivated realistic goals need to be set. Don't set yourself up for failure, it is impossible to stay motivated in the face of impossible tasks and constant failure. If you want to lose weight, determine how much and how long it will take you to reach a healthy weight. For most people losing three pounds a week is a realistic and healthy goal. Wanting to look like a Victoria Secret model or Captain America is not very realistic. Expectations that are too lofty often lead people to lose motivation more quickly. If you want to start eating healthier you'll have to work new healthy habits into shopping, cooking, and dining out. It is probably less attainable to decide one day that you are only going to eat vegan, organic foods. Set realistic goals!!
Another key to motivation is finding people to support you. There are people everywhere who are trying to live healthier. Find them and walk with them on your journey, you will motivate each other! Remember, though, that your life and how you get healthy are not the same as anyone else's, so don't compare your life to theirs! Using someone else as your benchmark for success is not going to give you sustained motivation.
Many people who are successful at living healthy use visual aides to keep them motivated. Hang the jeans you want to fit into on the outside of your closet, where you can always see them. Use a dry erase marker to right motivational phrases or your goals on your bathroom mirror. On your kitchen cabinets post your goal weight, or reminders of how you want to feel, to help guide how you eat.

Above all BE POSITIVE. Focus on what you have achieved, not matter how small it seems. Remember how you felt eating unhealthy food, and how you have a little more energy now. Tell yourself that you are worth the effort, and your family needs you to keep living healthy. Think of the things that living healthy will allow you to do. You can be more active, live more life, live a longer life, spend your future time and money on fun stuff! And, it may seem cheesy, but talk to yourself. If you ever watch highly successful athletes, you can see them getting themselves ready for the competition. They tell themselves they can do it, and beat their chests. Yell, cheer, jump around. This is a fight worth fighting, get excited and stay MOTIVATED!!

Thornton, M. W. (2014, July 12). Staying Motivated to Live Healthy. Retrieved July 23, 2014