Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Despite the fact that the warning signs of heart disease are well-known, as are the risk factors that contribute to heart disease; the number of heart disease related deaths is nevertheless reaching alarming proportions and women are as much at risk as men. In this article we will discuss six ways in which you can improve your heart health without the need for a complete lifestyle overhaul.
1. Watch that waistline
While we all need to watch our overall weight, our waistlines specifically are excellent indicators of how healthy our hearts are. Women whose waistlines measure more than 89 centimetres and men with waistlines exceeding 102 centimetres are most at risk of developing heart disease. Research has indicated that the health of your heart can be substantially improved by losing a mere five to ten percent of your body weight.
2. LOL is the best medicine

Yes, it's true. Laughing out loud on a regular basis lowers our stress levels and gives our immune systems a boost. People with lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol generally have normal blood pressure levels, stronger immune systems and are less likely to suffer from depression, a condition that is known to affect your heart. Try to make time for activities that put a smile on your face and surround yourself with positive people.
3. Having regular sex can reduce the risk of heart disease
As mentioned earlier, engaging in pleasurable activities lowers stress levels, making it an easy and natural way to be kind to your heart. Research has indicated that having sex at least twice a week can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease in men.
4. Aspirin can be a lifeline
People having a heart attack are often given aspirin by emergency medical services as this improves the chance of survival by reducing clot formation in the lining of the blood vessels. If you, or someone that you know, has heart attack symptoms, chewing an aspirin immediately could restore blood flow to the heart muscle and prevent a full-blown heart attack.
5. Stop putting your heart under pressure: lower your salt intake

Salt may seem harmless enough, but high sodium levels are major contributors to high blood pressure which can lead to heart disease, especially for people over fifty. High blood pressure can be lowered by cutting your salt intake by one teaspoon per day or by using herbal salt as an alternative.
6. One beer a day can keep a heart attack at bay
Yes we know this about wine, but did you know that a beer a day is healthy, too? The high levels of vitamin B6 in this heavenly brew help prevent the formation of the toxic chemical homocysteine which is linked to heart disease. Be sure not to get too enthusiastic however; too much alcohol can do more damage than good.
There are several things you can do to minimise your risk, and they don't take a lot of effort at all. Implementing these easy tips will not only help you stave off a heart attack; they will help you live a more pleasurable and healthier life in general.

THINK RED is an initiative from Flora that aims to raise awareness about Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), which is South Africa's second biggest cause for death. The aim of this campaign is not only to inform South Africans about the risks connected with CVD but to also educate them on preventative measures. Flora has brought out a striking red 1.2kg FLORA Light pack that incorporates hard-hitting CVD statistics and this is meant to serve as a daily piece of communication about Heart Awareness.

Thank you for reading..

1 comment:

  1. Heart attack is the most common problem of the word now a days. Last week my close neighborhood had died although he is young about 35 year old. I asked the reason and his brother tell about the heart attack. The heart failure or heart attack is symptoms are very common so Prevent heart attacksymptoms by simple care and save your life and your loves one. Thank you for this nice article!!!
