Friday, 25 July 2014


If you suffer from heartburn, you are not alone. There are many people who have heartburn on occasion, and for different reasons. You are likely looking for new approaches on how to get rid of heartburn. This article contains some suggestions that you can try. Remember that the cause of your heartburn and your physiology may make some solutions work better for you.

Heartburn, a type of indigestion, results in a burning sensation in the chest and possibly the esophagus. It occurs when small amounts of stomach acid are regurgitated into the esophagus. It can be quite painful and disruptive to normal activities, such as sleep.

You may want to try eating an apple to alleviate your symptoms. It can help to neutralize some of the stomach acids. A tart baking apple may have better results than sweeter varieties.

Another potential solution is to drink a large glass of two percent milk. If there is a chance that you are lactose intolerant, do not use this option. Otherwise, you may compound your level of discomfort. Not only will the milk help to soothe your stomach, it will also provide you with essential calcium. If you use nut or soy milks, these have been shown to have a positive effect as well.

If you like vegetables and their juices, you can try them for a way to ease your reflux and heartburn. Most vegetables are alkaline in nature. This means they will naturally begin to balance the pH level in your digestive tract, neutralizing your heartburn in a very natural way. You can use preade juices or create your own in a juicer. If you decide to eat a salad, beware of any dressings you may be tempted to put on them. You do not want them to thwart your efforts.

Chew on a piece of all natural gum. This will stimulate the production of saliva. As you swallow more of it, you will begin to dilute the stomach acids that are creeping up toward your esophagus. Do not use products with sugar or harsh chemicals.

Try drinking an all natural tea. Three of the best choices for heartburn symptoms are fennel seed, anise, and caraway. Use two tablespoons for a coffee cup and allow to sit for ten minutes before drinking. You should feel relief within half an hour.

Remain standing or sitting upright, especially after you eat. Many people want to lay down and relax on their bed or couch after eating dinner. This can actually cause heartburn. If you are already experiencing symptoms, laying down will only exacerbate them. Sit somewhere as comfortably as you can and drink a large glass of water. Practice being calm and see if your discomfort passes.

If you are interested in trying out new ways to get rid of heartburn, this article should have provided you with some fantastic ideas. Try each of them and find out what works best for you. You may even discover that other factors can influence which one will work at any given time.


By Edward Ted Leger

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