Showing posts with label learn every detail on gonorrhea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learn every detail on gonorrhea. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Avoiding sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Abstinence is one way of avoiding a sexually transmitted infection. 

If you are sexually active there are ways of reducing your risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

When used correctly, condoms in combination with a water based lubricant will reduce the risk of many STIs during vaginal, anal or oral sex. Latex gloves also provide barrier protection for sexual activity involving fingers and dams can be used to protect against STIs during oral sex.

Not all STIs have obvious symptoms (for example, herpesgenital warts and Chlamydia infection) and therefore it can be difficult to know whether you or your partner has an infection.

Practicing safer sex by using condoms and dams can be an effective way of reducing the risk of STIs that have no immediate or obvious symptoms.

If you’re not sure whether you or your sexual partner has an STI or if you are in a sexual relationship of 3 months or less you can guard your health and the health of others by always using protective measures such as condoms and dams.

Unsafe or unprotected sex in a relationship

Negotiated safety is where both partners test negative for STIs and mutually agree not to use condoms and dams as part of their sexual relationship.

Negotiated safety provides a safe context for unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex, but for it to work three things are essential:
Talking. Talk openly with your sexual partner and arrive at a mutual agreement about not using condoms and dams, and about the need to be safe from STIs.
Testing. Test for STIs at least 3 months after the last time you had unprotected sex with anyone, including your current sexual partner. Three months is usually enough time for most STIs, but not all, to show up on a test. Talk to your doctor about the different incubation periods for other STIs. If you and your sexual partner both have negative tests for STIs, you can then consider having unprotected sex.
Trusting. Once you and your sexual partner have made an agreement to have unprotected sex this will mean having unprotected sex only with the sexual partner who has been tested and cleared of STIs and with whom you have negotiated to have unprotected sex.

You and your sexual partner may also need to talk about reintroducing safe sex practices if either of you engage in unsafe sex outside of the relationship.

If you or your partner has unprotected sex outside of your sexual relationship you will need to return to protective or barrier methods for at least 3 months and then get tested again.
The contraceptive pill does not provide protection against any STI.

Thank you for reading..

Monday, 4 August 2014


Blurred Eye Vision

Blurred Eye vision occurs when a person lacks the sharpness and detail in their vision. Often this results in not being able to make out fine details. It can also occur because of a degenerative disorder, birth defect, etc. While most people can get away with blurred vision by using corrective lenses, others cannot find relief.

As a person who has dealt with low vision for the last 25 years, I urge you to take your blurry vision seriously, as it can be an indication of a far greater issue.

what are the causes?
There are numerous reasons why a person could suffer from blurred vision. Temporary issues, such as migraine or interference with medications, are common causes of this kind of vision., other reasons include:
Presbyopia - A condition that makes it difficult to focus on objects that are close - usually appearing in a person's late 40s.
Diabetic or Diabetes-Related Eye Disease
Macular Degeneration
Eye Infection
Eye Inflammation
Retinal Detachment
Brain Tumor

If your low vision is temporary, your quality of life will be restored once the condition causing your vision goes away. But, for thousands of consumers, this is a permanent issue. And, because of that, these individuals need assistance with everyday things, including reading, writing, watching television and even answering or dialing a phone number.

How to Cope with Blurred Eye Vision
You should always consult a physician for a recommended course of treatment or any assistive technology equipment that might be covered by your insurance. If your vision is temporary, insurance may not cover the cost of assistive technology.

There are assistive technologies out there, however, that will help you visualize and focus in on objects even if you are suffering from low vision. These types of visual aids help a person maximize their vision, even if it is blurry, so that they can remain independent.

The most common type of assistive technology for those with blurry vision are apps. These apps are available on a smartphones and tablets and can help you do everything from identify colors to locate local restaurants to using a calculator.

VOCalc, for example, is an app that allows you to calculate what you need without glasses or worrying about your vision affecting your ability to see. Its interface is rapid, smart and the buttons are enhanced so that you can see what you are inputting into the calculator. This app is also compatible with VoiceOver capabilities, so if you have VoiceOver, you could use the app without actually touching the buttons.

Finding the right information about your eyes can be overwhelming and at times very frustrating. 

By Richard A Slinde visit his site for more 


Eggs are a healthy, nutritious part of many diet, but they are a raw food and should be stored and handled like raw meat and chicken, to reduce the risk of illness.

Most eggs are safe; however cracked and dirty eggs can be a source of harmful bacteria such as Salmonella.

You can enjoy eggs safely by using clean/uncracked eggs, handling them correctly and storing eggs and raw egg products in the refrigerator.

Salmonella can affect anyone, but there is a greater risk of food poisoning for children under two years, pregnant women, people over 70 and people with lower immune system function. That's because:
- immune systems are weaker
- the stomach may have less acid to protect against bugs
- the impact of symptoms can be more severe and
- recovery takes longer.

Symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning include headache, fever, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting which can last days or weeks. The effects of this stomach bug can range from mild to severe.

Three rules to remember
The three key rules to remember when handling eggs are:
1. Don't use cracked and/or dirty eggs
2. Wash your hands after handling eggs
3. Refrigerate raw egg products

The flipside – cooking eggs
Cooking kills most harmful bugs that may be present such as Salmonella. 
When egg whites are cooked until completely firm and the yolk begins to thicken, foods containing eggs such as cakes, quiches and biscuits are usually safe.

Keeping your own chickens
If you keep your own chickens, follow these safety tips:
collect the eggs twice a day, especially in warmer weather to reduce the risk of bacteria growing
throw away any dirty, cracked or broken eggs,and any eggs which may have been in the nest for an extended period of time
do not wash dirty eggs
store the eggs in clean containers in the refrigerator, separately from ready to eat foods
always use the oldest eggs first.

Eating out – are you at risk?
If purchasing food from a restaurant or takeaway for people who are at greater risk, check whether raw or pasteurised egg is used in any of the dishes. Manufactured products from a supermarket or retail outlet will show on the label if pasteurised egg is used.
Myths and facts about eggs
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between fact and fiction when it comes to eggs. See our Myths and facts about eggs page to help you to better understand eggs.



Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated food. The most common sources of contamination are bacteria or toxic substances produced by bacteria. Some viruses and fungi can also cause food poisoning.
Food poisoning is a notifiable disease.

How food poisoning occurs
Bacteria may contaminate food as a result of farming or other production methods or poor preparation, handling or storage of food. Contaminated food may not look, smell or taste any different from food that is safe.

Typical symptoms are a sudden onset of:

stomach cramps


The illness usually lasts from less than 24 hours to several days depending on the cause. Occasional severe cases last longer and may require hospitalisation.
While single cases of food poisoning undoubtedly occur, they are difficult to detect and frequently go unreported. Food poisoning is usually recognised as a typical illness occurring in a group of people shortly after eating a common food.

Detection of large numbers of certain bacteria in suspect food samples and detection of the same bacteria in samples of faeces from affected people confirm the diagnosis of food poisoning.
Incubation period
(time between becoming infected and developing symptoms)
Varies depending on the cause, but usually from a few hours to a few days. Although many ill people blame a food they ate before they got ill, experience indicates that this food is usually not the cause of the illness.
Infectious period
(time during which an infected person can infect others)
Depends on what has caused the illness. Not all causes of food poisoning are able to be spread from person-to-person, but some are.

Treatment varies depending on what is the cause of the food poisoning. Usually these illnesses do not require antibiotic treatment.

If the cause is not known, it should be assumed that it may be possible to spread from person-to-person, or for an infected person to contaminate food and indirectly infect others. Therefore:
Exclude from childcare, preschool, school or work until there has been no diarrhoea or vomiting for 24 hours. If working as a food handler in a food business, the exclusion period should be until there has been no diarrhoea or vomiting for 48 hours
follow good hand washing and keeping areas clean procedures
good food handling procedures should always be followed
do not allow people affected by food poisoning to prepare food for others until there has been no diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours
people who have diarrhoea should not use public swimming pools until there has been no diarrhoea for at least 24 hours
babies and small children who are not toilet trained should wear tight fitting waterproof pants or swimming nappies in swimming pools and changed regularly in the change room. When faecal accidents occur, swimming pools should be properly disinfected.


Tests that examine the breasts are used to detect (find) and diagnose breast cancer.
A doctor should be seen if changes in the breast are noticed. The following tests and procedures may be used:

·         Physical exam and history : An exam of the body to check general signs of health, including checking for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual. A history of the patient’s health habits and past illnesses and treatments will also be taken.
·         Clinical breast exam (CBE): An exam of the breast by a doctor or other health professional. The doctor will carefully feel the breasts and under the arms for lumps or anything else that seems unusual.
·         Mammogram : An x-ray of the breast.

Ultrasound exam: A procedure in which high-energy sound waves (ultrasound) are bounced off internal tissues or organs and make echoes. The echoes form a picture of body tissues called asonogram. The picture can be printed to be looked at later.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): A procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves, and a computer to make a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body. This procedure is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI).

Blood chemistry studies : A procedure in which a blood sample is checked to measure the amounts of certain substances released into the blood by organs and tissues in the body. An unusual (higher or lower than normal) amount of a substance can be a sign of disease in the organ or tissue that makes it.

Biopsy : The removal of cells or tissues so they can be viewed under a microscope by apathologist to check for signs of cancer. If a lump in the breast is found, the doctor may need to remove a small piece of the lump. Four types of biopsies are as follows:

 Excisional biopsy : The removal of an entire lump of tissue.

  Incisional biopsy : The removal of part of a lump or a sample of tissue

  Core biopsy : The removal of tissue using a wide needle.

Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy : The removal of tissue or fluid, using a thin needle.

If cancer is found, tests are done to study the cancer cells.
  • Decisions about the best treatment are based on the results of these tests. The tests give information about:
    ·         how quickly the cancer may grow.
    ·         how likely it is that the cancer will spread through the body.
    ·         how well certain treatments might work.
    ·         how likely the cancer is to recur (come back).
    Tests include the following:
    · Estrogen and progesterone receptor test : A test to measure the amount of estrogen and progesterone (hormonesreceptors in cancer tissue. If there are more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal, the cancer may grow more quickly. The test results show whether treatment to block estrogen and progesterone may stop the cancer from growing.
    ·         Human epidermal growth factor type 2 receptor (HER2/neu) test: A laboratory test to measure how many HER2/neu genes there are and how much HER2/neu protein is made in a sample of tissue. If there are more HER2/neu genes or higher levels of HER2/neu protein than normal, the cancer may grow more quickly and is more likely to spread to other parts of the body. The cancer may be treated with drugs that target the HER2/neu protein, such as trastuzumab andlapatinib.
    ·         Multigene tests: Tests in which samples of tissue are studied to look at the activity of many genes at the same time. These tests may help predict whether cancer will spread to other parts of the body or recur (come back).
    o    Oncotype DX: This test helps predict whether stage I or stage II breast cancer that isestrogen receptor positive and node-negative will spread to other parts of the body. If the risk of the cancer spreading is high, chemotherapy may be given to lower the risk.
    o    MammaPrint: This test helps predict whether stage I or stage II breast cancer that is node-negative will spread to other parts of the body. If the risk of the cancer spreading is high, chemotherapy may be given to lower the risk.
    There are three ways that cancer spreads in the body.
    Cancer can spread through tissue, the lymph system, and the blood:
    ·         Tissue. The cancer spreads from where it began by growing into nearby areas.
    ·         Lymph system. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the lymph system. The cancer travels through the lymph vessels to other parts of the body.
    ·         Blood. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the blood. The cancer travels through the blood vessels to other parts of the body.
    Cancer may spread from where it began to other parts of the body.
    When cancer spreads to another part of the body, it is called metastasis. Cancer cells break away from where they began (the primary tumor) and travel through the lymph system or blood.
    ·         Lymph system. The cancer gets into the lymph system, travels through the lymph vessels, and forms a tumor (metastatic tumor) in another part of the body.
    ·         Blood. The cancer gets into the blood, travels through the blood vessels, and forms a tumor (metastatic tumor) in another part of the body.

    The metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the bone, the cancer cells in the bone are actually breast cancer cells. The disease is metastatic breast cancer, not bone cancer.
    ·         There are different types of treatment for patients with breast cancer.
    ·         Six types of standard treatment are used:
    o    Surgery
    o    Sentinel lymph node biopsy followed by surgery
    o    Radiation therapy
    o    Chemotherapy
    o    Hormone therapy
    o    Targeted therapy
    ·         New types of treatment are being tested in clinical trials.
    o    High-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplant
    ·         Patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial.
    ·         Patients can enter clinical trials before, during, or after starting their cancer treatment.
    ·         Follow-up tests may be needed

Saturday, 2 August 2014


There are several benefits when exercising in the morning in contrast to other times of the day. If this sounds surprising consider the time factor. We are getting more done and performance in general is better in the morning than at other times of the day. Getting the most benefits from an effective exercise program it has to become a pattern or routine, and the best time is in the morning. If you schedule your exercise later in the day, invariable, there will be something competing for that time, and you will miss out on that exercise.

Set aside those half n hour to 60 minutes for whatever exercise you may do in the morning. It will become such a routine that you can hardly do without it once it is in your system; even your breakfast will taste better afterwards. Another disadvantage of exercising late in the day or at night is it tends to rev up your system when its time for your body to relax, winding down and preparing for bed and a good night's sleep. This question often gets asked: What type of exercise is best? This can vary; it depends on what your objectives are. For sport purpose you would choose a different exercise than anyone who wants to improve his overall fitness or to overcome some health issues.

The best exercise and equipment!

When people are looking which exercise machine to buy, the best one is with four legs: A dog! A dog will remind and even force you to walk it every day which makes two positives: The dog is happy and pays you back with affection, and "You" will become fit and healthy. For a gradual exercise program to build a stronger body and overcome some health problems there is no better than walking. With 30 to 60 minutes brisk walking early in the morning you get better results than at any other time during the day. For some staying motivated is difficult. It can help to do this together with a friend or in a group where you feel more committed, this way it's not as easy to make excuses and to say no. Some other crucial element in exercising is enjoyment; having to force you into this exercise every time will soon lead to abandonment. Make sure to wear the appropriate footwear as walking can put pressure on your feet which can cause pain and become uncomfortable. Most cities have walking paths to keep away from traffic, or choose walking through park land or grass areas. Walking on grass if possible is better; it cushions and absorbs the impact on your joints and ligaments, this especially applies when you are jogging.
Long extended exercise is not always better for your health!

Long cardio sessions of exercise may not benefit your health; it could have just the opposite effect. By having or staying on for long periods such as marathons can pose a significant risk and damage to your heart. Long distance running can cause acute overload and stress to your body, but the heart is usually the most affected and sudden cardiac arrest is possible. According to research a more effective and safer exercise is high intensity interval training, in a time frame from 30 to 40 minutes, which consists of short bursts of intense exertion. Give your body a rest period after intense training and between workouts. It is also recommended a diet high in nutrients and a good amount of fluid intake, the best is water. Good exercise should consist of a balanced program. Just jumping on to a treadmill or exercise bike at a gym will not give you this level of fitness or health benefits.

It will make all the difference in your life being fit, flexible, no pain and feeling strong. With regular exercise you will be reaping the rewards and feel better than you ever did before. For a mere few hours a week of putting in some effort you get the benefits of regaining the energy you need, being able to do anything in life you want to do. In the morning combine the two most crucial strategies together: Exercise and a good breakfast. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Having these two in that order, exercise and a healthy, protein-rich breakfast is the best start for the day and for taking control of your health.

By Josef Bichlerm, visit his websit for mpre:

Thank you for reading..

Thursday, 31 July 2014


Anyone that is dealing with kidney pain will most likely tell you that they want to know what causes the pain in the first place. There could be times when the pain is not going to be caused by a kidney stone and there could be some very serious complications that need to be addressed. Because of this, it is always a good idea to learn about the different causes of kidney pain.

Urinary tract issues can cause kidney pain. Some individuals will find that there are enlargements in the uterus that can contribute to pain. In some very serious situations there will be times when cancer or tumors will cause this pain. Most individuals will find that they are suffering from this pain because of kidney stones. Others will be suffering from cysts that are found within the kidney and long-term exposure to lead or its salts.

Believe it or not, there are medications that could cause this problem for a lot of people. There are people out there that may be taking medications to help treat glaucoma that they are dealing with. This medication is called Azopt and one of the side effects is kidney pain. Others could suffer from trauma related to the kidneys and this can cause the pain.

Suffering from this kind of pain can be very annoying and it could be related to something very serious. Therefore, it will be important to know about some of the very serious or life threatening conditions that could cause kidney pain. At times some people may deal with this type of pain because of an abscess in or near the kidney. Others may suffer from pain because of blockage that may be in an artery that leads to the kidney. Because the pain can be caused by something very serious it will be important to speak with a health care professional immediately if you believe you are dealing with pain in your kidneys.

If you are preparing to meet a doctor to discuss your symptoms you will find that there are a few questions you are going to be asked. The doctor will ask you how long you have been having pain. It will also be important for you to try to describe the pain. You should let the doctor know if it is constant or if it is sporadic. Where it is located will also be a very important detail the doctor needs to know. Always let the doctor know if you have ever dealt with kidney problems before. The doctor will need to know if you had an infection before the kidney pain began. Other symptoms as well as medications that you are taking should also be discussed with your doctor.

In the end, you need to understand that kidney pain can be the result of some very serious complications. Therefore, it will be very important for you to seek treatment as soon as possible. You could end up facing kidney failure if you do not seek treatment. Possible infections or cancer could also spread if you do not seek treatment immediately.


By Mike G Jansen