Monday, 28 July 2014


"Don't dance around the perimeter of the person you want to be. Step in fully and completely" ~Gabby Bernstein~
Many of us experience periods in our lives when we don't embody the confidence necessary to pursue our dreams and goals. The complexity of our lives and the demands on our time, energy and attention often have each of us juggling so many tasks and responsibilities that we rarely take the time out to think about how we can increase our self-confidence. Confidence isn't everything, howeverwe won't achieve much of what we desire to experience without it.

When we lack confidence in ourselves, we are more apt to succumb to our fears and self-doubt when it comes to pursuing new possibilities in our lives. We question if we have what it takes to do what is necessary achieve our desired goals. We are more susceptible to the negative opinions of others when they speak against what we want to achieve. We allow our limiting beliefs about our circumstances confine us to the status quo. We sabotage our progress because we lack a strong sense of self-worth. Confident people realize the story that they tell themselves about who they can become, what they can do, what they are strong enough to handle and what they are worthy of experiencing shapes their identity. They are confident because of a strong sense of self that is nurtured by an empowering identity of who they are and who they believe they can become.

Developing a confident identity isn't about your race, gender, circumstances or past; it's about the beliefs that make up the story you tell yourself about yourself and the courage that you demonstrate to pursue new possibilities in your life. In this three part series, A Guide to A More Confident You, I will share insights and strategies that can help you become a more confident person.
Develop A Confident Outlook
Confident people think and approach life proactively, which means you may have to make some fundamental changes in the story you tell yourself about what you are capable of and get comfortable with the temporary discomfort that occur as you take steps to pursue new possibilities in your life. View your self-confidence as a major key to unlocking the doors of how your want to live, today and in the future. Every time you challenge a limiting belief about what is possible in your life with a renewed sense of your strong and who you are able to become, you will begin to embody a greater sense of confidence that will have a ripple affect in each area of your life. In part one of this series, I discuss the role self-acceptance have on your ability to become a more confident person.
Confidence Building Tip #1: Self acceptance is a cornerstone for living with more confidence. It involves having realistic expectations about yourself and life. Self-acceptance enables you to recognize your strengths and weaknesses. It allows you to walk with a loving awareness of your humanity, it's goodness and flaws. Self-acceptance enables you to embody your strengths to lead a life that is in concert with your core beliefs, values and priorities. You recognize that you don't have to be a carbon copy of someone else to live a confident and successful lifestyle. Self-acceptance requires an awareness of your strengths and weakness, your goodness and flaws. It empowers you to have a strong sense of who you are, who you can become, what you can do, what you are strong enough to handle and worthy of experiencing.
Self-acceptance inspires you with a desire to be a full expression of your authentic self. Self-acceptance doesn't happen when you hate the person you are. It happens when you love yourself enough to believe that you can do better and deserve better. Loving and accepting yourself naturally leads to an increase in your self-confidence.

Believe You Are Worthy of Experiencing Better in Life
Pat Pearson, author of STOP Self-Sabotage points out, "We don't allow ourselves to have what we want until we believe-truly believe - that we deserve it." Getting out of your own way and manifesting more of what you truly want in life begins with the journey of accepting yourself while expanding your beliefs and feelings about your self-worth and what you deserve to experience in life. Your beliefs about what you are worthy of experiencing in life influences how you treat yourself, determines the relationships you get involved in and the manner in which you value the time and life energy spent to generate the money you earn. Your sense of worthiness shapes your career path and the goals you pursue and achieve in life. It even effects the level of fortitude you demonstrate when faced with setbacks and how quickly you get back on track.

When you were a baby you didn't have no question about your right to be loved or held. You made no apology for wanting what you wanted or feeling the way you felt. As you got older, something began to happen. Pearson writes, "Our innate sense of being worthy to express our feelings and need starts to get lost as we mature. Instead of believing we deserve love just for "being", we lower our self-esteem and try to earn approval and love by "doing". We begin to think we must earn love, and so we give up our real feelings to meet the approved image. As we get older, we start to shrink our beliefs about our own abilities." Somehow, everyone else seems to be able to get what they want in life while you continue to circle the same circumstances and repeat the same patterns. Overtime, these experiences began to diminish your self-esteem and confidence.

Raise Your Deserve Level and Stop Self-Sabotage
Be encouraged. You can raise your deserve level. Pearson writes, "In order to increase your deserve level, you need to take possession of your feelings as clearly and as authentically as you can. When you integrate and honor both your thoughts and feelings, you have complete permission to have what you want." Your beliefs about yourself and what you deserve to experience in life is linked to your sense of self-worth.

What would you say was the level of deserve expressed in your family while you were growing up as a child? Were you permitted to express your feelings or required to stuff them? Did you feel that you were loved no matter what with unconditional love? Or, did you feel that you had to "earn" the love of your parents, siblings and extended family? What was the story that you held about your sense of worthiness as a child? How is any part of that story repeating itself in your relationships, health and wellness, personal finances, education and career? In which of these areas do you need to raise your beliefs about what you are worthy of experiencing to achieve your present aspirations? Confidence in what you believe about what you are worthy of experiencing in life begins with your beliefs about what you deserve. Transforming your limiting beliefs into empowering self-talk and aligning your behavior with the person that you need to become to manifest the dreams and goals that you desire to experience is a surefire sign that you believe that you can do better and have better in life.

Lessons from the Wizard of Oz
In the movie the Wizard of Oz, it takes a life and death challenge for each of the main characters to realize that the very thing they want from the Wizard already exists within their capacity. The Scarecrow doesn't think he's smart enough to endure difficulties, and yet all alone he's the guy with the logic and reasoning that guide the group to make the right choices. The Tin Man thinks that he's worthless because he was made without a hart, except that his compassion for others and his passion for not giving up are what keep everyone going. The Cowardly Lion is ashamed that he lacks courage that should accompany the "King of the Beasts" but when put to the test, he acts with courage in the face of fear. It's the Lion that steps forward with the real cojones to confront and exposed the man behind the curtain who has assumed a role of power that he doesn't deserve. The Lesson of the Ruby Slippers was that the whole time Dorothy struggled to get home, thinking only the Wizard could help her, when she actually had the power to do so all along. Her ability to understand the power of what she already possessed was obscured by her fear.
Ask yourself: How am I demonstrating a lack of self-acceptance towards myself? What is the dominant story I'm telling myself about what I'm worthy of experiencing in life? What fears are preventing me, like the main characters of the Wizard of Oz, from tapping into the strength that I already possess? What are some small steps that I can begin to take that will help me reduce the anxiety I feel towards manifesting new possibilities in my life? Expressing your full potential will require that you accept yourself.
Accepting who you are, as you strive to express more of your unique ability is pivotal to becoming a more confident person. It necessitates that you value your present abilities so that you can leverage them to manifest new possibilities in your life. Recognizing the numerous influences that has shaped your beliefs about what you deserve and is worthy of experiencing sheds light on automatic response patterns that may be influencing you to self-sabotage. Self-acceptance is a key principle to maximizing your present moments. Optimizing your present opportunities to grow and develop your talents enables you to cultivate the foresight to embrace growth strategies that increase your capacity to be more, do more and build your confidence.
Actionable Step: Create a Confidence Booster Jar/Box. Purchase a Mason jar or small gift box and label it, "Confidence Booster". Get a pack of post it's or cut blank sheets of paper. On each piece of paper write down those times when you overcame an obstacle, bounce back from a setback and accomplished something you were very proud of. For the next 30 days, read one of your notes out loud to yourself to affirm your ability and self-worth and boost positive thoughts and emotions about yourself. Make it a daily ritual by placing more positive notes in your "Confidence Booster" jar/box.

Share this idea with a family member and friend. Perhaps you can write positive notes about each other and swap them. Allow this simple, yet powerful practice become something nice that you do for yourself on a daily basis. Next week in part two, I will share why and how strengthening your inner-self is essential to developing and sustaining self-confidence. What are your thoughts about how confidence or the lack thereof has affected your success towards a goal? Share your thoughts below.

Jackie Capers-Brown is the Founder and CEO of the Next Level Greatness Training Group located in Columbia, SC. She publishes personal and professional development insights on her blog, Grow Forward & Flourish.

By Jackie Capers-Brown


"Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:4-5"

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge... Hosea 4:6a"

In order for us to overcome low self-esteem, we must know who we are and what we are worth. For this to be accomplished, it is imperative that we understand the work of the cross. God allowed Jesus to die on the cross on our behalf as an exchange for us to have eternal life and an abundant life on earth. (See John 10:10). He allowed Jesus to be wounded for areas where we have fallen short of the mark, and bruised for our premeditated sins. Notice the colon (":") in the passage from Isaiah written above. When a colon is inserted in a sentence, it is to signify that the words following it will explain the words preceding it. Following the colon in this passage, it states that the chastisement of our peace was upon Jesus and with his stripes, we are healed. Thus, Jesus took on our sin so that we might have peace and be healed. In other words, he took on our sins so that we might have "shalom" (peace), i.e., safety, health, prosperity and be "raphah" (healed), i.e., made thoroughly whole. God does not want us to lack anything in this life, including a healthy self-esteem. Jesus came to set us free. Receive his gift. Think about it, if Jesus came to set you free and to ensure your health and welfare, why would you ever have to walk with a hung-down head? My pastor, Bishop T.D. Jakes, has said, "The price of a product reflects its worth." God allowed his only begotten Son, Jesus, to die a horrible death on our behalf. Jesus was mocked, spat upon, and slapped by 500 soldiers. He had a crown of thorns pushed into his head and he received forty stripes with a whip, which ripped his flesh in every lashing. His hands and feet were nailed to the cross, his side was riven, and he poured out every drop of his blood for us. Will you look at the price God has paid for you? This price reflects the great worth God believes you have. We each have great worth in the sight of God. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (See Rom. 3:22). Never forget this. Your embracing this is the key to your victory.

I personally ceased from the troublings of low self-esteem several years ago. While vacationing during my early twenties, I met a lady who by the world's standards was extremely unattractive. She was so unattractive until I felt very badly for thinking so. She looked as though someone had run into her with a Mack truck and left her for dead. However, before I could feel sorry for her, I noticed that she carried herself as though someone had forgotten to tell her how she looked. "How could she look like this, but act like that?" I wondered. She, indeed, carried herself like a woman of God. She walked in a tremendous peace. Girlfriend also used what she had. She had her hair done in a nice style, which was very popular at the time, and she wore clothes that complimented her figure type. She was no small woman; however, she did not try to force a size 28 into an 8. She found stylish clothes that made her look wonderful. I found this woman intriguing. I could not fathom this peace she had. Suddenly, I found myself wanting to be like her. I wanted to have what she had. I wanted to be able to carry myself as she did, regardless as to whether the crowd accepted me. I vowed right then that I would never think of myself as "less than," due to flaws in my physical appearance. I figured if this woman could walk around like a queen while looking as if she had been left for dead, then I could accept the things about me that I believed hindered my attractiveness. I began to remind myself how I am fearfully and wonderfully made and how because of Christ, "I got it going on!" You have got it going on, too... Walk in it!

Source: EzineArticles

Dealing With Shame and Guilt - Ditch the Shame

I hope to educate others to recognize the differences between shame and guilt and how shame kills the soul.
Guilt says, I have done something wrong. Shame says there's something wrong with me. Guilt says I made a mistake. Shame says I am a mistake. The outcome of feeling shame can be debilitating, causing people to give up on their dreams, often feeling unloved, unworthy of happiness, depressed, anxious, angry, and hurt.

Shame can invade our lives at a young age. A parent who disciplines a child with purposeful assaults such as you're stupid, lazy, ugly, dumb, too fat, too skinny, can leave a child feeling that s/he doesn't measure up. A persistent and severe attack insults a person's soul leading to responses of rage and violence, drug addiction, eating disorders, compulsions, battery, and incarceration. The outcome of shame leaves a person feeling ridiculed, worthless, lacking sense of pride, self-respect and self-love.

Guilt is a feeling that acts as a catalyst to change our behavior without destroying our confidence. Shame is a dark emotion that seeps into our soul and robs us of our human dignity, feeling sinful, debauched, mean, diabolical; accused, judged and convicted as charged.
What are some of the sequence of events that leads to feeling shame?

A Vietnam vet returning from the war to a country that is angry at him for fighting a war. A person that is bullied in school because she is not wearing the right clothes. A man who is overweight and cannot fit in an airplane seat. A child that been overly corrected and told that they did not do the task correctly and to do it again, left with an over whelming feeling of not being good enough. A woman who has been raped while others said "she asked for it." A man was lost his job and can no longer provide for his family. A mother whose ex-husband speaks badly about her to their children. A birthday that was forgotten.

Shame leads to tears which leads to anger, and rage. Like a tragic song that is stuck on the same track and plays itself over and over again each and every day.

Sunday, 27 July 2014


There are over a hundred different muscles and tendons in your feet. There are almost 60 different bones and joints in your feet. It's not surprising that in such a complex system, things can sometime go wrong. So, what can you do if your ankle or foot starts to hurt?

Identify the Source of Pain
According to the National Institutes of Health, not treating a pain in your foot could lead to long term disability and permanent damage. That's why it's essential that you quickly identify what's causing the pain.

Is it a strained or twisted ankle? Was it a sudden impact? Make sure you look at your shoes as potential culprits. According to the Mayo Clinic, ill fitting shoes are the #1 cause of foot pain. If the pain is dull and comes on gradually over days, it may be because of your shoes.

Protect the Injured Area
The first step to treating any foot pain is to protect the injured area. This helps prevent the foot from getting injured again. Do this by applying a brace or splinter to the injured area to hold the foot in place. If the injury is small, like a stubbed toe, you can just use tape to hold the injured area still.

Once you've protected the injured area, stop moving it. Keep it as still as possible throughout the recovery. If possible, walk with one left, with crutches or with the help of railings. If you absolutely must put weight on the injured foot, try to put the weight as far away from the injured area possible.

Apply Ice, 4 to 5 Times a Day
Ice causes blood vessels to constrict. This in turn reduces swelling. Reduced swelling can help reduce the pain, as well as speed up the healing process. The earlier you can start applying ice, the faster the injury will heal. The first few hours after the injury are the most important.
Apply ice to the injured area for 20 to 30 minutes, 4 or 5 times a day. In between sessions, apply light pressure to the injured area. A wraparound bandage is an effective tool to apply continual light pressure.

Keep the Foot Raised
Keep your foot raised when you're sitting. Try to keep the foot above heart level. This reduces the blood flow to the foot, which also helps reduce the pain.
Following these steps will help ease the recovery for most types of ankle pain. If the pain persists, or if it's more serious than the conditions discussed here, see a doctor right away.

Thank You for reading...

By Dr. Marc Katz podiatrist specializing in advanced techniques helping those suffering with foot and ankle pain. Visit his website for more:

Should I Be Walking Barefoot Inside The Home?

This is a question I get asked everyday day in my Podiatry clinic, and unfortunately the answer is a tricky one.
Yes, we humans are supposed to be barefoot. But barefoot on natural surfaces such as grass, sand and dirt. It's when we introduce the unforgiving man-made surfaces that we get into trouble. Our bodies are not designed to walk barefoot all day on hard surfaces such as timber, tiles, concrete, bitumen etc. - and let's face it in our modern world this is pretty much what we walk on all day long.

Most people without any foot pain should be able to cope with small amounts of walking barefoot at home on hard man-made surfaces (for example half hour in the morning before going to work and one hour in evening after work). Problems will often occur, and occur quite quickly, when someone is on holidays for a few weeks and spends more time barefoot at home, or when women go on maternity leave, or when people retire. Even a person with the most 'mechanically correct' foot posture is likely to develop symptoms from spending long periods of barefoot on hard surfaces. The symptoms may not necessarily show up in your feet either, quite often leg fatigue, sore knees and sore lower back are often signs or poor shock absorption.
Having said this, spending some barefoot time outside on natural surfaces, or 'earthing', poses many health benefits. Barefoot will help to strengthen your toes, foot and lower leg muscles and also improve your proprioception, awareness and balance. I put this theory to test whilst travelling through rural Africa for 6 weeks: I wore a pair of tired flip-flops (almost barefoot) for the whole 6 weeks and did a tremendous amount of walking on predominantly natural surfaces and suffered no foot or lower leg pain or fatigue. If I did the same thing at home in Australia, with our expanse of man-made surfaces, I'm certain I would have very tired achey feet and legs at the end of my trip.

There is also research out there that suggests 'earthing' improves things like energy levels, sleep patterns, blood pressure, stress levels and more.

So my suggestion as a Podiatrist who deals with foot pain all day long: limit your barefoot time on hard, man-made surfaces (instead wear cushioned footwear that does not restrict your toes) but make an effort to increase your barefoot time on natural, 'earthy' surfaces.

Source: Paterson, H. (2014, June 15). Should I Be Walking Barefoot Inside The Home?. Retrieved July 27, 2014,

Friday, 25 July 2014


Have you ever smelt your shoes or feet at the end of a day and found yourself horrified at the odor?
There are plenty of things that can cause this. Perhaps you have a fungal infection or maybe your shoes are worn out or don't allow for enough air passage.
Thankfully, there are lots of things you can do to make sure your shoes don't stink anymore. Let's review some of the better hints and tips.

First, you must remove the smell that is already there by sprinkling some baking soda into your shoes each night.
Also, check your insoles and make sure they are the type that don't collect odors or make your feet sweat. Cedar insoles are classed as the best. Do also make sure that your insoles are unable to move about, as this could make your feet sweat by rubbing them.
If you can, although this is costly, replace the lining of your shoes with silver. Silver is a fantastic anti-microbial agent.

If your shoes are already stinky, freeze them. Washing your shoes will also be beneficial, but only if they are washable. Baby powder on your feet is also very beneficial. This will prevent your feet from sweating and it also reduces the chances of fungal and bacterial infections.
Naturally, excellent personal hygiene is also very important and you should wash your feet every day. What is perhaps even more important is that you also dry them properly.
You should also always wear socks, particularly in closed shoes. You will otherwise start to rub your skin and make your feet smell. You can always choose to wear no show socks if you don't like the look of socks.

Also, when you go out to buy new shoes (or socks), make sure they are made of a high quality material.
Lastly, throw your shoes away if they are totally worn. It will become increasingly difficult to get rid of the smell and more and more bacteria will take up residence in there.
Clearly, smelly shoes should be a thing of the past.
The above hints and tips should help every time, unless you don't have healthy feet. Get checked out by your medical professional and if you do have a fungal or bacterial infection, they will be able to prescribe you something for that.
You may think that these tips are simple common sense, but many people forget to actually do this.

Marina Smithson lives with her partner in Indianapolis and works for Jays Barely There Socks. She loves blogging about life, love and healthy feet.

visit their site, Smithson, M. D,

Learn Every Important Detail About Gonorrhea

Around the world, there are 60 million people contracting gonorrhea each year. In many countries including the United Kingdom it is mainly young people who are affected but the good news is that this STD is easy to cure. This does not mean that there are no problems when it is caught as it can lead to infertility and other serious health issues, so taking an STD test as soon as symptoms appear is advisable. As with the majority of sexually transmitted diseases it is caught through unprotected sex so the best way to prevent transmission is to use condoms for all sexual activities.

It is believed that this disease was known in biblical times, and its technical name is "Neustria gonorrhea" It is more commonly referred to as the clap or morning drip due to its symptoms.

Women tend to have few if any regular symptoms, but there is the risk of:-
   1.    Anal and genital itching 
   2.    Painful and regular urination 
   3.    Bleeding especially after intercourse 
   4.    Fever and swollen glands

There are similar symptoms that men should look out for and these include:-

5. Pus seeping from the penis 
6. Fever and tiredness 
7. Anal itching
8. Frequent and painful urination

For anyone who thought that the only way to catch gonorrhea is through vaginal sex, it will be worrying to learn that the infection can be passed to the rectum through anal sex, and the eyes and throat through oral sex. Often conjunctivitis is caused by semen that has been infected getting into the eyes.STD tests should be carried out as soon as symptoms are discovered as there are ways to cure gonorrhea and the quicker this happens the better the results will be.

Gonorrhea Testing

Tests will involve urine or any other bodily fluid and will be classed as positive if the bacterium is found in the sample. Doctors can carry out the tests but it is also possible to find out the results without resorting to a medical examination. Medical centers will carry out the test for anyone who is happier with medical staff carrying out the procedure but it is possible to do it at home. The STD test kits are easy to use and the results will be swift and accurate.


Despite the fact that gonorrhea will be seriously damaging to the health it is possible to clear with antibiotics as long as it is detected before it takes hold. The main way to give the antibiotics is through an injection into either the thigh or buttocks and then a tablet. Improvement should normally be noticed within a couple of days although it should be expected that some pain and discomfort will still be felt a few weeks later. Even bleeding should be sorted out by the next period, and by the time the follow up meeting is attended and the test taken again, the infection should be totally cleared. To make sure that there is no re-infection, there should be no intercourse until the later tests give the all clear.
Do you need help with STD infection, STD tests, STI drugs and more? We can offer you STD test kits and guide you on how to deal with a positive STI result.

Thank you for reading...
By Santanu Basak
Basak, S. (2014, April 10). Learn Every Important Detail About Gonorrhea. Retrieved July 25, 2014